Brain Fuel Nootropic

Stay focused and boost productivity with Raw Sport’s Brain Fuel. A unique caffeine free Nootropic formula designed to support metal performance and cognitive function.
Great For Brain Performance
Improves Concentration
Improves Memory
Combats Stress
Suitable For All Genders
Made in Britain
No Sugar Added
Gluten Free
Dairy Free
GMO Free
Certified Heavy Metal Free
Certified Pesticide Free
Gluten Free
Dairy Free
Soya Free
Vegan Friendly

3 Capsules Per Day
30 Servings Provided

Rating 5.0
Nutritional Facts Amino Acid Profile Ingredients
Brain Fuel Nootropic
Brain Fuel Nootropic
Average shelf life: 12 months
Each product sold = 1 tree planted
How to Use
Nutritional Facts

Learn More About

Brain Fuel

Key Facts

No 1 Nootropic
Improves Concentration
Improves Cognitive Function
Long Lasting Performance

Explore the Benefits

Brain Fuel

Nootrophic ingredients enhance brain function by influencing the following pathways

  • Neurotransmitters – Optimising the production of neurotransmitters, which inhibits chemical breakdown in the brain, helping to sharpen receptor sensitivity.
  • Brain blood flow –Selected Ingredients that help vasodilation of blood vessels, facilitating an increase of oxygen and nutrient delivery to the brain.
  • Brain energy – Improves mitochondrial efficiency and fuel delivery.
  • Protection – Helping to increase resistance to stress and harmful compounds such as free radicals.
  • Regeneration – Repair and maintain brain cells and promote brain plasticity.
  • Brain waves – adjust frequencies to achieve the desired cognitive state.

Increase Mental Energy
Nootropics optimise the way brain cells use energy and increase glucose and oxygen supplies. As a result, the brain receives more fuel and uses it more efficiently. Nootrophics increases alertness, quick thinking, and mental agility without the side effect associated with stimulants. High stress loads deplete mental energy, placing a significant demand on energy resources. Even at resting state, 20% of the body’s energy is used by the brain. 

Why Take

Brain Fuel

Improved Concentration Nootropics may enhance the ability to focus on any given task. They have been shown to promote mental flexibility and improve multitasking. Some activities, such as studying, require mental endurance. Our environments are loaded the stimuli, which can negatively impact the attention span, making it difficult to maintain concentration and focus.

Balanced Mood The ingredients selected within brain fuel are designed to balance and modulate the hormones and neurotransmitters that impact stress and anxiety. Mood swings affect performance, memory, and quality of life. Lions mane mushroom helps regulate mood by supporting the health and growth of nerves in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls emotions and memory.

Improved Sleep Quality Sleep deprivation leads to poor concentration and memory, weight gain, and an increased risk of heart disease. The ingredients support the neuroendocrine system in regulating hormones that may disrupt sleep. Nootropic ingredients may promote restorative, high-quality sleep.

Lower Stress Levels Nootropics may reduce stress in various ways. The ingredients within brain fuel have the potential to increase the body’s resistance to stress and replenish brain chemicals. Adaptogens like Lion’s Mane and Gotu Kola may be particularly beneficial to help the brain resist the effect of stress.

Brain Fuel

Beneficial For...

Brain Fuel is the perfect product for sports that require focus and concentration for sustained periods of time.

Did you know that the brain uses 20% of the body's energy whilst in a resting state? Taking brain fuel consistently delivers long lasting jitter free energy without taxing the body in the way stimulants do. Our range of plant based herbs and brain-boosting nutraceuticals are designed to optimise brain function and support people seeking mental energy, clarity, creativity and focus.

Brain fuel can be beneficial for a variety of people, including:

  • Sports or activities which require extreme focus and concentration
  • Executives and busy professionals
  • Studying for exams
  • High stress loads
  • Busy parents
  • Emotional stress
  • Any job or work situation that requires focus and concentration


Lion’s mane dual extract
DHA (derived from Algae)
Ginko Leaf
Acetyl Carnitine
Gotu kola extract
We use some of the highest quality plant-based ingredients for our products, to make sure they are the healthiest and most effective available. Check out what is inside.

Lion’s mane dual extract

Lion’s mane is the number one medicinal mushroom to boost cognitive function. Lion’s mane promotes neurogenesis, which refers to the growth of new nerve and new brain cells. Through this mechanism, consuming lion’s mane on a consistent basis can help improve neurological health, memory and focus. Studies have found regular consumption of lions mane has benefits in the region of the brain that control understanding and comprehension. It is also beneficial for mood regulation, which supports symptoms of anxiety and depression.

DHA (derived from Algae)

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is quantitatively the most important omega 3 essential fatty acid within the brain. It is essential for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants. DHA is also required for maintenance of normal brain function in adults. An adult brain is approximately compromised of 60% of fat and omega 3 fatty acids, especially DHA are concentrated in brain tissues. DHA is not produced within the body and needs to be obtained from dietary sources. DHA is widely studied and has been found to have a positive association with cognitive function and an inverse association with a variety of neurological conditions associated with mood and behaviour.


Phosphatidlyserine is a fatty substance called a phospholipid. It is the only supplement that has been granted to make brain health claims. It covers and protects the cells within the brain and carries messages between them. It plays an important role in keeping the mind and memory sharp. Half of your body’s total phosphatidlyserine resides in the brain. It is rare in foods and declines with age, so is a great supplement to take to boost cognitive function.

Ginko Leaf

Ginko Biloba is one of the oldest living tree species. It has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Modern science has found the plant-based antioxidants, flavonoids and terpenoids to be beneficial for brain function. It helps improve blood flow to the brain, protects nerve cells in the brain and has a positive impact memory, thinking and learning.

Acetyl Carnitine

The Acetyl form of L-Carnitine is the most effective form for the brain. Studies have found that acetyl L-Carnitine may prevent age related mental decline and improve markers of learning. It has been found to help reverse the decline in brain function of brain related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, but also exhibits similar benefits for general brain function in older adults without brain conditions.


Carnosine is a dipeptide of the amino acids beta alanine and histidine and is found in large concentrations in the brain. Carnosine provides energy to the brain by relieving oxidative stress created by free radicals. It has also been shown to prevent and reverse the damage done by advanced Glycation end products (AGE’s) AGE’s are a by-product of energy production and occur when proteins or DNA bond chemically to sugar molecules. They are implemented in many brain disorders. Taking L carnosine helps prevent and protect vital brain cells from damage.


Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is highly concentrated in the brain. Taurine levels decrease with age and also during extreme stress. Supplementation helps to maintain Taurine levels across the lifespan. Studies have found Taurine to be beneficial for learning and memory. Research has also found that Taurine plays an important role in creating new brain cells by activating ‘sleeping’ stem cells. Taurine also increases the survival of new neurons, resulting in an increase in adult brain cell creation.

Gotu kola extract

Gotu Kola has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Its Chinese name means ‘fountain of youth’ It is widely used as a natural remedy for mental health. It supports brain related disorders including mental fatigue, anxiety, depression, memory loss and insomnia. It has been proven to protect the brain from neurotoxins such as heavy metals, free radicals and glutamate.


Choline is an essential nutrient to maintain normal bodily function and human health. It is important for brain function as it is required to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in regulating memory, mood and intelligence. It is also used to synthesise DNA, which is important for brain function and development. Studies have found it also improves memory and brain development.

Lion’s mane dual extract

DHA (derived from Algae)


Ginko Leaf

Acetyl Carnitine



Gotu kola extract


How To Take?

When To Take?


TAKE 3 CAPSULES DAILY - Take In The Morning, or Anytime Upto 2PM


Lion’s mane dual extract
DHA (derived from Algae)
Ginko Leaf
Acetyl Carnitine
Gotu kola extract
We use some of the highest quality plant-based ingredients for our products, to make sure they are the healthiest and most effective available. Check out what is inside.

Lion’s mane dual extract

Lion’s mane is the number one medicinal mushroom to boost cognitive function. Lion’s mane promotes neurogenesis, which refers to the growth of new nerve and new brain cells. Through this mechanism, consuming lion’s mane on a consistent basis can help improve neurological health, memory and focus. Studies have found regular consumption of lions mane has benefits in the region of the brain that control understanding and comprehension. It is also beneficial for mood regulation, which supports symptoms of anxiety and depression.

DHA (derived from Algae)

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is quantitatively the most important omega 3 essential fatty acid within the brain. It is essential for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants. DHA is also required for maintenance of normal brain function in adults. An adult brain is approximately compromised of 60% of fat and omega 3 fatty acids, especially DHA are concentrated in brain tissues. DHA is not produced within the body and needs to be obtained from dietary sources. DHA is widely studied and has been found to have a positive association with cognitive function and an inverse association with a variety of neurological conditions associated with mood and behaviour.


Phosphatidlyserine is a fatty substance called a phospholipid. It is the only supplement that has been granted to make brain health claims. It covers and protects the cells within the brain and carries messages between them. It plays an important role in keeping the mind and memory sharp. Half of your body’s total phosphatidlyserine resides in the brain. It is rare in foods and declines with age, so is a great supplement to take to boost cognitive function.

Ginko Leaf

Ginko Biloba is one of the oldest living tree species. It has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Modern science has found the plant-based antioxidants, flavonoids and terpenoids to be beneficial for brain function. It helps improve blood flow to the brain, protects nerve cells in the brain and has a positive impact memory, thinking and learning.

Acetyl Carnitine

The Acetyl form of L-Carnitine is the most effective form for the brain. Studies have found that acetyl L-Carnitine may prevent age related mental decline and improve markers of learning. It has been found to help reverse the decline in brain function of brain related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, but also exhibits similar benefits for general brain function in older adults without brain conditions.


Carnosine is a dipeptide of the amino acids beta alanine and histidine and is found in large concentrations in the brain. Carnosine provides energy to the brain by relieving oxidative stress created by free radicals. It has also been shown to prevent and reverse the damage done by advanced Glycation end products (AGE’s) AGE’s are a by-product of energy production and occur when proteins or DNA bond chemically to sugar molecules. They are implemented in many brain disorders. Taking L carnosine helps prevent and protect vital brain cells from damage.


Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is highly concentrated in the brain. Taurine levels decrease with age and also during extreme stress. Supplementation helps to maintain Taurine levels across the lifespan. Studies have found Taurine to be beneficial for learning and memory. Research has also found that Taurine plays an important role in creating new brain cells by activating ‘sleeping’ stem cells. Taurine also increases the survival of new neurons, resulting in an increase in adult brain cell creation.

Gotu kola extract

Gotu Kola has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Its Chinese name means ‘fountain of youth’ It is widely used as a natural remedy for mental health. It supports brain related disorders including mental fatigue, anxiety, depression, memory loss and insomnia. It has been proven to protect the brain from neurotoxins such as heavy metals, free radicals and glutamate.


Choline is an essential nutrient to maintain normal bodily function and human health. It is important for brain function as it is required to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in regulating memory, mood and intelligence. It is also used to synthesise DNA, which is important for brain function and development. Studies have found it also improves memory and brain development.

Lion’s mane dual extract

DHA (derived from Algae)


Ginko Leaf

Acetyl Carnitine



Gotu kola extract


Nutritional Information

Supplement facts
Amount Per Serving (3 capsules)
Lions Mane Dual Extract
L Taurine
DHA 10% (Algae)
Acetyl Carnitine
Ginko Leaf
Gotu Kola Extract 4:1
L Carnosine
Other ingredient  Capsule Shell plant cellulose

Amino Acid Profile


Our Approach & Testing

We ensure all our suppliers are using the highest quality ingredients possible, we only work with suppliers, farmers and growers we know and trust.

Every product is batch tested and we use 3rd party lab testing to further validity the quality of our products.

Our supplements are tested for heavy metals, and use organic ingredients, also tested for herbicides and pesticides.

Our Approach is health first and performance driven, we would never build a product for profit, and value product quality that drives performance.

All our products are made in the UK, NONGMO, Gluten Free, Vegan Friendly, Soy Free & Dairy Free.

Our Values

  1. Health
  2. Performance
  3. Ambition

And Lastly, we plant 1 tree for every supplement we sell. So if you buy 3 products from us, we will plant 3 trees. How Cool is that!


What People are Saying

About Raw Sport...

From all over the globe, athletes, celebrities and health enthusiasts are quickly adopting Raw Sport as their health and performance partner. Here are just a few nice people saying great things about Raw Sport products.

"Constantly taken my body to the limits daily, I take Raw Sport as a full recovery product, it has everything I need"

Saul Rogers

Pro MMA Athlete

"Love the taste, quality and texture, along with the health and performance nutritional benefits of the ingredients."

Stuart Rearden

England Int Rugby League Player

"Not another protein on the market tastes half as good as Raw Sport. Because of nutritional and health qualities, along with being Approved Sport I recommend your products to all my fighters"

Adam Booth

Pro Boxing Coach

"I made a transition to plant based, I love all the powders, capsules and genuine REAL health products. Now with Raw Sport, it's tasty, these health supplements are aimed at a healthy lifestyle and for those that train."

Calum Best

Celebrity & Model

"Raw Sport tastes amazing. I've been using Raw Sport for its whole food natural ingredients and recommend it to all"

Louis Smith

Body Building World Champ

"Raw Sport, it's quality, toffee flavour is nice, feels like a cheat but it's not. It's next level stuff. There is no other product on the market like it"

Josh Kelly

Pro Boxer

"Toffee Fudge is my absolute favourite, it's important to me I get the very best in sports nutrition, I'm after the very best ingredients to nourish my body and I find Raw Sport gives me that"

Harlem Eubank

Pro Boxer

"Great tasting protein. Why was you not around when I was fighting? This product is incredible. You've created something that is really unique and tastes fantastic."

Johnny Nelson

Former professional boxer

Saul Rogers

Pro MMA Athlete

Stuart Rearden

England Int Rugby League Player

Adam Booth

Pro Boxing Coach

Calum Best

Celebrity & Model

Louis Smith

Body Building World Champ

Josh Kelly

Pro Boxer

Harlem Eubank

Pro Boxer

Johnny Nelson

Former professional boxer